#Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Ammo 4 September 2011

#Cheat Point Blank Wallhack + Ammo 4 September 2011

Fitur : 
[-]WALLHACK>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]CHAMs CT>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]Chams Tero>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]WALLHACK Glasses>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]Ct CHams PH >>>>   Work To Pb Plipina
[-]Tero Chams PH  >>>> Work To PB Pilipina
[-]Ammo Global   >>>>  Work to Pb Indo & Pilipina

Hotkeys :
Arah Panah Kanan(->) =On
Arah Panah Kiri(<-)    = Off
Ammo global               = CAPSLOCK

Credit : Ikiscreame
Thanks to  All Team Elite Nigmare


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