Emblem Clothes hack for free user (C.E Version)

Required tools:
Cheat Engine
Token 100 above
1.Go Ninja Saga(Play)
2.Open Cheat Engine v5.6
3.Scan Total Tokens do you have on CE
4.Enter the Ninja Saga Headquarters
5.Convert token 1 only
6.Go out of the Headquarters
7.Next Scan Total token after exiting the CE Headquarters
8.1 address returned
9.Double click the address so it appears in the CE table.
10.Double click the address and put +4 ex:(xxxxxxE8+4)
11.Change the value to "2"
12.Go to Shop and buy Emblem Clothes
13.Go to PvP and Win
Note: You MUST win in PvP battle in order to be saved

Download Cheat Engine
